Waddler Class 12 months to about 18 months: This classroom follows along with teaching from the Washington Early Learning and Developmental Guidelines; (https://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov/GovernorGregoire/priorities/education/read/guidelines.pdf ). Me, My Family and Culture, Building Relationships, Touching, Seeing, Hearing and Moving Around, Growing Up Healthy, Communicating and Learning About My World. Having your child in the Waddler room will allow him or her to develop their large motor skills and to become steadier on their feet before joining the older toddlers. Many of the same concepts from the infant room will still apply. Your child will still be allowed to follow their own sleeping schedule; however meals and snack times will follow the same schedule as the Toddler class. If your child is showing signs of hunger they will be given additional snacks to keep them comfortable. While in the Waddler class they will begin learning how to sit at a table and will no longer be placed in a high chair. Their time in the Waddler class will prepare them for the transition into a group with children 18 months of age and up to 2.5 years.
Waddler: Parents/guardians, you are responsible for providing diapers, wipes, and any type of special food your child may need. Your child’s lead teacher will communicate with you when your child is running low.
Waddler Daily Schedule:
6:00am | The Learning Academy opens, Free Choice Centers* |
7:30am | Wash and Breakfast |
8:00am | Free Choice Centers |
9:25am | Wash and Snack |
10:00am | Circle Time |
10:05am | Free Choice Centers |
10:00am | Child selected activities, Teacher directed activities |
10:45am | Recess |
11:25am | Wash and Lunch |
12:00pm | Rest/Quiet Activities |
2:25pm | Wash and Snack |
3:30pm | Recess |
4:00pm | Free Choice Activities |
*Please remember this is a sample day and there are always exceptions and children will be encouraged to participate in group activities but not forced to do so. There will be occasions where children will need us to allow flexibility in our Daily Schedule. If the children are especially enjoying an activity it will be continued with longer than planned. Due to their age, they will be allowed to follow their own sleep schedule. Snacks and water will also be given on demand as needed.