Non-discrimination Policy: It is CCLA’s policy that no person shall be subject to discrimination because of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, age, religion, creed, marital status, disabled or Vietnam Era Veteran Status, or the presence of any physical, mental, or sensory handicap. This policy is consistent with Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act if 1974 Vietnam Era Veteran Readjustment Assistant Act; the Governor’s Executive Order 85-09; and the Washington State Laws Against Discrimination, RCW 49.60. This policy applies to every aspect of the agency’s programs, practices, and activities including client services and employment practices.
Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect: CCLA is required by law to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to CPS. Any abuse witnessed must be reported, such as spanking, yelling, or just treating a child harshly. It is understood that there are several philosophies on parenting. Remember, the way you discipline your child, especially around other children can be interpreted “wrong” and must be reported. This is a Washington Administrative Code. It is mandated to report anyone who attempts to pick up a child while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, as it may result in your child being injured. You must transport your child in a child appropriate car seat or CCLA must call the police to make a report. The staff at CCLA is here for the whole family; however, our main concern is your child.
Hours of Operation: CCLA is open from 6:00am to 6:00pm (Please see late payment pick-up policy.) CCLA is proud to provide a half day and a full day preschool and Pre-K programs, and a before and after school program.
Holidays and Breaks: Monthly tuition rates are determined by the average operation costs of the program for the school year, therefore, this is a flat rate with no decreases in tuition for holidays, breaks, or other brief closures.
Eligible Holidays/Days Closed:
- New Year’s Eve – December 31
- New Year’s Day – January 1
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day,
Third Monday in January - President’s Day,
Third Monday in February - Memorial Day
Last Monday in May - Juneteenth – June 19
- Independence Day – July 4
- Labor Day,
First Monday in September - Veteran/s Day – November 11
- Thanksgiving Day,
Fourth Thursday in November - Friday after Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Eve – December 24
- Christmas Day – December 25
**If an eligible holiday is on Sunday, the following Monday is the eligible holiday. If an eligible holiday is on a Saturday, the Friday before is the eligible holiday.
**If an eligible holiday is on a Thursday, the following Friday will be closed as well.
**CCLA will be closed a maximum of 3 days per year for staff in-service days. You will be given plenty of notice to arrange other care.
Snow Days: On snow days that CCLA is closed, KREM 2 NEWS TV station will be called to announce the closure ASAP. You may also go to KREM.COM and look for SCHOOL CLOSURES. If Medical Lake School District is closed, we will be closed as well.
All parents interested in enrolling their children will need to contact CCLA for an initial tour and make an appointment for parent/child visits along with an orientation. All parents and guardians must attend the orientation.
All orientations will include a tour of the facility with the main focus being on your child(rens) classroom(s) along with a teacher introduction and an overview of the curriculum. The parent handbook and policies at CCLA, along with parent and provider expectations will be discussed at this time.
Parent/Provider Communication
Constant communication between you and your child’s teacher is very important and will aid in your child’s success here at Cela’s Creative Learning Academy.
You are always welcome to inquire about your child’s progress or express concerns. Your child’s teacher will schedule a conference three times per year where it will be discussed what your child has been working on and to outline specific goals and needs for your child.
If your child requires additional professional help for behavior or developmental concerns CCLA will be able to help you find an appropriate organization for your child. In addition CCLA will be able to provide you with names and numbers where you can seek professional help for improving parenting skills if you feel it is needed. For these additional concerns and services please contact the center director or the program supervisor will be more than happy to assist you.
Open Access to Our School: CCLA has an open door policy for all parents/legal guardians. You may come into the school at any time during school hours. It is requested that it be a brief visit if it occurs during the learning time in the classroom. The children need to have un-interrupted time for the different work/activities planned. Visits of longer length may be scheduled with the teacher. Parents may make an appointment for a conference with the teacher at any time to inquire about his/her child’s progress. Our school is student and parent friendly. Parents are welcomed for scheduled sessions where they can be a teacher’s aide volunteer.
Tuition, fees, and enrollment information
Registration: A non-refundable, annual registration fee is due upon enrollment and your child’s anniversary date.
Tuition: You may pay tuition in full on the 1st of each month or pay half on the 1st and the remaining half on the 15th of each month prior to attendance. If these days fall on a weekend, payment will be due the following Monday. ALL DSHS copays are due by the 5th of each month, no exceptions. CCLA operates on the income it receives for its services. On time tuition payments are required.
Please see the Tuition Rates Handout for current tuition.
- There is a minimum of 3 days attendance per week.
- Full time is 20 hour per week or more
- Part time is under 20 hours per week
- If your child is not fully potty trained, you must pay the Toddler/Waddler rate.
- Tuition is due regardless of attendance, holidays or closures and will be due as agreed upon enrollment. Please ask the Director for active military and multiple children discounts on full time tuition. You can only receive one type of discount per family.
- A late fee will be charged for payments received after the due date.
- All checks returned for insufficient funds will incur a fee in addition to the late payment fee.
- Monthly tuition is reviewed on a periodic basis. CCLA, LLC reserves the right to change tuition rates within a minimum of a 30 day notice.
- Payments are to be turned in to the black payment box next to the office. Cash needs to be placed in an envelope and labeled with your name and the cash amount. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE PAYMENTS TO BE GIVEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER. This is to prevent misplacement of payments.
State Aid: For individuals/families receiving state subsidized childcare please note: The Washington State Department of Early Learning states in regards to Working Connections Child Care, “[when an individual applies for and receives WCCC, that individual is responsible to] (1) Only use childcare benefits for activities approved by DSHS, such as work or meeting Work First participation requirements. (2) Pay your provider for child care you use for personal reasons or activities that were not approved by DSHS. (3) Pay your licensed child care provider if the child care has a written policy charging all families these fees: non-sufficient funds fee, picking up your child after operating hours, paying your child care payment late.” For a complete list of parent rights and responsibilities please visit
Participants who exceed the maximum hours per day allowed on their authorization will be charged the hourly rate for the additional time used. You will be responsible for paying any late pick-up fees, as well as any extra fees not covered by DSHS (ex. Wipes, field trips, diapers, etc.)
Late Pick-Up Fee: Our school closes at 6:00pm sharp, there will be a Late Pick-Up Fee added to the monthly tuition statement.
Non Payment: Termination for non-payment: CCLC may terminate the contract without giving any notice if the parent/guardian does not make payment when due or gross misconduct on the part of the parent or the child. Failure by CCLA to enforce one or more terms of the contract does not wave CCLA’s right to enforce any terms of the contract. If you choose not to honor our contract your account will be referred to collections or small claims court and any additional fees that result in legal action will be applied to your bill. DSHS clients whose accounts become delinquent will be reported and child care benefits will be suspended by DSHS until your account is paid in full. In addition, you will be responsible for any tuition and late fees incurred above and beyond your state coverage. If your bill goes to collection, the addition of fees to cover all cost of collection and legal fees, a minimum of one half of outstanding blance after all fees and penalties will be added.
Sunscreen: At the beginning of each sunscreen season a small fee will be added to your bill to cover the cost of sunscreen. If your child is allergic to the brand CCLA provides the fee will be waived, however, you must supply the brand of your choice.
Families, you are responsible for any extra costs due to field trips and special activities.
Forms to be returned completed:
- Registration Form complete with child pick-up authorization contacts, emergency contacts, child’s health information, medical insurance and food/drug allergies.
- If applicable, complete child care emergency plan in regards to allergic reactions.
- Financial Agreement Form
- Emergency Medical Consent form
- USDA Income Eligibility form
- Parenting Plan if applicable
- Parent volunteer form
- Sun Screen Permission Form (when applicable)
- Parents and guardians, remember to let us know if your child has any allergies to food or medications.
All of the enclosed forms must be read and returned to administration along with the registration fee and a copy of immunizations before your child may attend. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Scheduling Policy
In addition to all enrollment forms, parents must submit a schedule that details drop-off and pick-up times for every day of the week. This paper work is included in the enrollment packet. Those dates and times must be approved by an administrator during the enrollment process and prior to the child’s start date. All families MUST adhere to the schedule that was discussed and approved. Staffing arrangements are based off these schedules and therefore CCLA cannot have children in attendance who were not approved to be prior.
For example, if your schedule states that your child(ren) will be in attendance from 7:30am to 5:30pm and you wish to drop your child off at 7:15am one morning, you may not do so without prior approval. Without this approval you may be asked to remain with your child for those 15 minutes until an additional staff member is on-site. This is necessary to maintain our strict staff-to-child ratios at all times.
Also, unless your schedule states differently, no child(ren) can be dropped off past 9am without prior notification (i.e. a phone call that morning), without this notification there may not be room in the center later in the day for your child(ren). If you wish to change your child(ren)’s schedule at any time, please do so in writing and wait for approval.
Sign in and Out: The state requires a legal signature for every child left on the school premises. The adult leaving the child must sign their first and last name. Remember you are signing a legal document. Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, etc. are not legal signatures. Each child must have a signature of the person removing the child from the premises. No one under the age of 16 will be allowed to sign and remove the child from our care. The child’s file must contain names of any person allowed to remove him/her from our school. The staff will require identification of any person unknown to them. The parent or guardian must give us written permission to release the child to anyone other than the parent or guardian. CCLA cannot release a child to someone whom is not listed on their registration form.
*Please note that if you no longer authorize someone to pick up your child, you will not be able to re-authorize that person in the future.
Parent Volunteer Program: You as the parent/guardian are a very important part of CCLA’s small community. Your contributions are valuable in making your children’s time here a success. There are numerous ways you can get involved. A Parent Volunteer form will be provided to you with the opportunities to volunteer in our program.
Behavior Management: Here at CCLA, corporal punishment is prohibited and is not used. If a child is disrupting other children’s work positive redirecting will be used. The teachers will redirect children to an activity of his/her own. Phrases such as: “Maria is working with a project right now, you may to choose work by yourself, or you can join me in the science center” and “Chairs are for sitting on. Tables are for work”, will be used. Providing choices and telling children what is expected of them helps them learn what is safe, respectful and will be allowed.
If the child requires one on one with a teacher repeatedly due to behavior or due to emotional outbursts, or if the child requires restraining for his own safety or the safety of others, the parent/guardian will be contacted and the child sent home until the incident and plan of action is discussed.
Withdrawal Notice: It is required that you give a two week’s (10 Business Days) written notice to the director if you are planning to withdraw your child from CCLA. If you choose not to give said notice to the director, you will be billed for an additional two weeks whether your child attends CCLA or not. Any tuition balance due must be paid in full prior to your child’s last day in attendance.
Individual schedules: Your child has his/her individual schedule here at CCLA. Your contract with me is for specific times so that I make sure I schedule his/her teachers accordingly. Parents/guardians of children whose schedules vary in days and times must turn in a schedule every time a new one is available to them. Enrollment is a minimum of three days per week for all clients.
Daily Attendance Arrivals: Due to scheduling, meal counts, and overall quality of the program, CCLA must have every child arrive at school no later than 9:00 am. If you must drop off after nap time begins it is asked that you come in at 2:00 pm or after.
Absences: If your child will be absent, it is your responsibility to notify CCLA prior to the absence. You may call any time and leave a message letting us know of the reason for the absence. If your child becomes ill, let us know as soon as possible. Our teachers are scheduled according to the number of children scheduled for any given day.
You must call the school at least one half hour prior to your child’s scheduled arrival time to let us know that your child will not be in. If you do not call to notify us of the absence, it will be assumed your child was ill and CCLA will not be able to take them the next day. If texting is more convenient for you, you may text the number provided for you at the time of enrollment.
Illnesses: CCLA does not deduct tuition for brief illnesses or absences. The director will negotiate possible deductions for prolonged sickness on an individual basis. You are responsible for calling CCLA and letting us know that your child will be absent. You may leave a message if you call before or after hours.
Exclusion of Ill Children: On the advice of health experts I will not allow the children with any of the following symptoms to be in care. Parents will be advised to keep children at home in the event the child becomes ill. Children will not be permitted at our school with any of the following:
Fever of 100 degrees or greater within the last 24 hours – Vomiting on two or more occasions within the last 24 hours – Diarrhea (three or more times in a 24 hour period) – Unexplained rash, particularly a draining rash – Pink eye or drainage from the eye – Impetigo- Strep throat prior to 48 hours on antibiotics – Chicken pox prior to complete crusting of all pox – Fatigue that prevents participation in regular activities – Head lice or nits (Head and hair must be free of them.)
If your child is ill over the weekend, the same policy applies.
Should your child become ill while at our school, the following procedure will be followed:
- The child will be separated from the other children while being attended by a staff member.
- Parents will be notified to pick up their child as soon as possible.
- Illness and resolution will be documented in the child’s file.
If your child requires antibiotics, a note from your physician stating when your child may return to school will be required! (Please request one before leaving your pediatrician’s office.)
It is required that you have an alternate plan of care for your children in case of illness, as it is mandated by the state of Washington Early Learning Department. Phone numbers of parent’s work place and previously designated third party must be given at enrollment. You understand that I will not hesitate to use these emergency contacts if unable to reach you first.
Staying Indoors: Children go outdoors every day, weather permitting. Along with temperatures; other factors such as wind chill and air quality will be taken into consideration following the Childcare Weather Watch Guidelines and our Local Weather Advisory. Fresh air and exercise are essential in maintaining a healthy body and mind. There are more cold viruses and germs in a closed up building full of children than there are outdoors. Exposure to cold weather does not cause illness. Even a child showing slight cold symptoms or “not feeling well” will usually benefit from going outside as long as discretion is used in keeping the child bundled up properly and making sure he does not play too hard.
Send appropriate clothing with your child, because often a light jacket and a heavy coat etc. are needed on the same day due to our unpredictable weather. If extra clothing must be used from our extra clothing supplies such as mittens, hats, etc., you will be billed the present laundering fee.
Basic Classroom Supplies that parents are required to provide:
- A child sized backpack (to be taken home and returned each day)
- A pair of enclosed slippers (not bulky and with Velcro or elastic)
- Extra clothes- Two complete changes of weather appropriate clothing
- Bedding (all day students)
- One crib sized, fitted sheet (not optional)
- A small pillow, except for infants, toddlers, and Waddlers (Pillow Pets are not allowed)
- A blanket (not optional, infants excluded)
- If needed, a small stuffed animal (to make transition smooth)
- Diapers and Wipes if applicable
Rest Time: It is CCLA’s policy if your child is 5 years or younger or in attendance during nap time he/she will lay on a cot to rest.
Each classroom has specific supplies they require for the children in their classroom. Your child’s teacher will give you a list upon enrollment and as needed for curriculum and learning experiences.
Remember to label all personal items with your child’s name. When items are running low your child’s teacher will inform so that you can restock.
Extra Clothing: Storage will be provided to keep your child’s extra clothes in. If your child needs additional clothing due to mishaps, it will be provided. (This will incur a laundry fee). You will be notified and asked to bring a change of clothing for your child to go home in. If your child must wear the clothing provided by CCLA home, a fee will be charged for all items not returned within one week so the item can be replaced.
Laundry Fee: In the event that you forget to bring your child’s nap bedding or extra clothing/winter gear etc., CCLA will provide what is necessary and you WILL be charged the laundry fee with no exceptions.
*These items must be cleaned and sanitized after each child’s use.
Shoe Policy: Due to injuries to toes and feet while playing on the playground or just going for a walk, it is required that in warm weather your children wear sandals with straps or closed toe shoes with straps. Tennis shoes are still the best choice for running and climbing.
Bringing Items from Home: Personal items from home will not be allowed without prior permission from your children’s teacher and it correlates with the theme of the classroom curriculum. If your child brings items in without prior permission they will be taken, placed out of reach and returned to the parent at the end of the day.
Birthdays and Special Occasions: You may bring treats to celebrate your child’s birthday. All items must be store bought, unopened and in the original package with original label. CCLA is not able to serve homemade goodies or any items with tree nuts of any kind.
Religious Practices: Here at CCLA children and staff pray at mealtimes and celebrate religious holidays. However, all religious and non-religious students and their families are welcomed. Within the daily activities, students will be taught respect: respect of themselves, respect of others and foremost, respect of God. One day a week each class has a religion day, age birth through school age. Bible stories and activities are shared with the children.
Meals and Snack Policy: CCLA participates in the USDA Child and Adult food program. Our meals are served family style. There are children in our care with life threatening food allergies and do not permit food to be brought in without prior approval. Breakfast, lunch and up to three snacks are provided daily.
CCLA is a nut-free facility. If your child requires any food substitutions involving any nuts, please let us know immediately.
Positive aspects of Family-style meal service: Family-style meal service offers many advantages to children’s developmental process by enhancing motor skills, language skills, self-esteem, social skills, table manners, and independence. Children develop these skills through interaction with adults and children.
Breakfast: 7:30-8:00 AM Snack: 9:30-10:00 Lunch: 11:30-12:15 PM Snack: 2:30-3:30
(Elementary children have snack when they arrive at our school)
Helping Children have a Successful Transition
Things to do at home to help your child have a successful time at CCLA:
- Allow your child to do things by him/herself. Often times it is easier and faster to do it for your child but is it the most beneficial for him/her?
- Allow your child to choose and get dressed by their selves.
- Allow your child to pour his or her own juice and serve themselves at mealtimes. Children like to do things by themselves and if we do not allow them to do so, we are taking away from a learning experience that could impact them for the rest of their lives.
- A healthy child is a happy child. Health, in my opinion, is achieved by looking at the child as a whole unit. When we take care of the physical, emotional, and intellectual part of the child, we achieve something greater than just “baby sitting”.
Did you know children can achieve any developmentally appropriate task as long as we make things simple for them? Take potty training for example; dressing your child in easy-to-remove pants helps him carry the task to its completion instead of getting irritated and giving up causing an accident in the process.
At school, allow your child to walk in on their own. Say a cheerful goodbye and allow your child to get themselves ready to join class. If your child needs help he will ask for it. Teachers are sensitive to your child’s needs and will aid when needed. We always let the child try first. Remember, children know when to pull your strings and given the chance, you would never leave the academy if it was up to your child.
Field Trip Policy: Transportation will be by foot in the neighborhood or the city bus. All children going on field trips are required to have a signed permission slip for each outing. This will be posted several days before the field trip and must be filled out prior to the event due to teacher staffing. Children who cannot go, we cannot guarantee alternative care here at CCLA. Children must be signed up to attend field trips the day prior to the field trip at the latest. All fees must be turned the day prior to the field trip as well.
Parents/guardians are responsible to pay any field trip related costs.
Pet Care Policies
Fish and pets in terrariums can be seen throughout the center. The care and maintenance of aquariums and terrariums will be the responsibility of the teachers in the class room without the assistance of children. This is for the health and safety of children. Activities will be planned and carried out to help the children learn about the pets in their room. For example, when the school age children house the hermit crabs they will learn about the native habitat of hermit crabs and their typical diet and what is needed to keep them in captivity. Younger children can learn about colors while observing fish, how they breathe under water and the name of each species in their aquarium. Interactions with animals will be limited to visual interactions.
Animals on our Premises (including visiting animals): Due to strict guidelines pertaining to pets CCLA cannot allow pets or animals of any kind.
Common health risks associated with these animals: Aquariums cause the most health risk during cleaning which will be done outside of working hours when children are not present. The top of the aquarium will be high enough that children cannot reach into the tank. Other health risks are associated with electrical components which will be secured out of the reach of children. Hermit crabs are safe and do not carry any specific pathogens.
Animals are located in these areas: Aquariums will be located in the School age class, preschool class, and the toddler class. The hermit crabs will be located in the school age class.
Smoking will not be allowed on the premises at any time inside or outside the building including the parking lot. In addition all staff and volunteers will be prohibited from smoking during all off sight CCLA functions when children are present. Parents, visitors and staff must not smoke on the premises, around or in view of children. [WAC 170-295-6050]
Alcohol, Legal and Illegal Drugs
No one will be allowed to consume any alcoholic beverages during operating hours or be under the influence of alcohol, legal and illegal drugs in the presence of children at CCLA.
If a parent appears to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol when picking up their child, staff will follow the protocol below outlined in the WAC’s.
- Ask for permission to call their spouse or partner
- Ask for permission to call a backup person on the authorized pick-up list, or
- Volunteer to call a cab or give directions to a bus stop.
If a parent who appears to be intoxicated chooses to take their child from our care staff will be required to follow the guidelines in the WAC’s and report immediately to law enforcement and the incident to CPS.